The continuing plight of immunocompromised people in the past and now in the endemic stage of COVID-19 and recent policy developments, such as the lifting of COVID-19 measures and protocols, urgently necessitate protective actions for this population. Recognising this, a group of more than 50 international representatives of the immunocompromised community came together in June 2023 to discuss potential solutions and approaches to combat these issues. Convinced that an international coalition is needed to strongly represent and advocate for the interests of immunocompromised people in this regard – and more broadly in the fields of health policy, healthcare, and research – we formed the International Immunocompromised Advocacy Network (IIAN).

As a first step, the network is committed to use these developments with regard to COVID-19 as an impetus to advocate for the protection of this particularly vulnerable population. Hoping that further meaningful change can emerge from this in the future, IIAN, in its Call to Action, proposes strategies and solutions to stakeholders in health policy, care and research to address and meet the needs of people with a compromised immune system.